Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 1

As I'm writing this I haven't thought of a title for this post yet. I almost put day one, but do you know how many days there are in 16 weeks?? More than I want to think about right now! It just seems like such a long time till December 19. I should just start with day one and stop complaining.

Let me tell y'all a little about what I'm doing. I always was a heavy person and when I lived in Australia my weight eventually ballooned to 200 pounds! I'm only 5'1" so that was massive on me. I tried different programs and doing it on my own, but nothing ever worked. I had heard about this program called SureSlim before and I didn't really think it would work, so I never bothered to check it out. Eventually though I was tired of being fat and decided I had nothing to lose in seeing what it was about. It was the best decision I made. The SureSlim program gave me a program that was customized to my individual needs. I managed to lose almost 50 pounds in the first 5 months. Life happened and eating healthy was the furtherest thing from my mind and I gained about 30 of the pounds back over the space of a year. Back in February I decided to get back on it, after having managed to lose 10 of the 30 on my own. So far I have lost another 27.4 pounds. I am anxious to get finished losing the last 20 pounds! So, here's how my day went.

Today was a really good day. I got up at 5:20 (yes, in the morning) and dragged my dog out of bed to go for a walk. We walked 1.5 miles. For breakfast I just had cereal and milk and some cherries. The cherries were especially good because I hadn't had any in such a long time. I'd forgotten how good they were. For lunch I had some meatloaf and a salad and for dinner I had some butter chicken with cauliflower and onions and an apple. I drank at least 64 ounces of water. I have a large McDonald's cup and so I just fill that up all day with water. I might have drunk more than that, but as long as I get in 4 a day, I'm good. I'm a coffee addict so I have to have the extra water to make up for all the coffee I drink. Well, I am off to finish up my night and get into bed. I'm exhausted from the last few days of staying up late and getting up early. Goodnight everyone.

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