Sunday, August 30, 2009

Days 5 and 6

I have this bad habit of disappearing from the people who I am loosely accountable to when life kinda goes haywire and I make bad food choices. Well, I am making myself sit down and write about the last 2 days. They aren't pretty.

Day 5
Well, on Saturday I got up and I had cereal and milk. I had breakfast later than normal so I could get a chai tea latte from Starbucks and not go over my hour. Well, after I had my cereal and my chai tea I proceeded to have some peanuts and that dreaded granola bar that I had been successfully avoiding all week! I realize I am just stuffing myself, so I get a diet coke, I fill up my water bottle and I proceed to drink both of them. I focus mainly on drinking the water, but I used the diet coke to kinda fill that "I need something different" need.

Lunch would have been at 2 on Saturday, but I came home and took a nap. Ahhh, it was so nice. I only slept for an extra 2 hours, but it was nice. I got up at 3:30 and had a grilled cheese sandwich and some chips. I had no vegetables or fruit. I also ended up melting some chocolate chips and stirring in a spoonful of peanut butter. If only that had been the end of the day .

I went to my neighbor's for dinner and I had a hamburger and some french fries. I ended up drinking until 11:30 or so. I was trashed. I just felt like having some drinks, and boy did I ever have some drinks.

Day 6
I got up this morning with the world still spinning quite a bit. I drank an entire large McDonald's cup of water and went back to bed for another 2 hours. The 2 extra hours only slightly stopped the spinning when I finally got up at 8. I had breakfast which was a peach smoothie and some more water. I ended up going to IHOP a few hours later and had an omlette and pancakes and a coffee. For dinner I had a hot dog and some icecream.

I really dropped the ball for the weekend, so we'll see what Tuesday's weigh in brings. I know I can do 100% tomorrow with extra water, so here's to 100% day tomorrow!

Goodnight all.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 4

Breakfast was good. I had a yogurt and peach smoothie. I've gotten to where I would rather have my fruit and yogurt in the form of a smoothie than just a bowl of yogurt. It's a nice change.
Lunch was good also. I had salmon and roasted bell peppers and some asparagus. I had all my water for the day aslo. For dinner I went out on a date. We ended up having some like pizza rolls for a starter, then I had half of a baked manicotti (I have no idea if that is spelt right). I ended up having 2 drinks the whole evening, oh and I had a lobster and crab bisque...yummo!! :) Overall, I think my day ended up ok.

I went to the Goodwill today to get some pants since I was down to 1 pair and the cooler weather is coming in! I decided against buying new pants until I get to my goal weight, then I will buy them new. Anyways, I am now wearing a 12! Yahoo!!! In February I was wearing a 16. I am so excited and proud of myself!

Well, I am off to bed to contemplate some things. Goodnight all.

School and other stuff

I have finished my first week of school and I don't think it's going to be as bad as I thought it was going to be. I'm going to enjoy the 2 classes I actually go to and my online class is going to be interesting also. My teacher for my Thursday night class is going to be a great teacher. She's funny, kinda crazy, outgoing. It'll be great.

I feel like banging my head into the wall trying to figure out the most cost and time effective way to fly to Australia. I can't buy my ticket until Monday or Tuesday, but I would like to have something figured out by then. It can get expensive if you aren't careful. I keep changing my dates by a day or two and I keep looking at getting one round trip ticket from Oklahoma City to Sydney then I look at 2 tickets. Getting a domestic ticket from Oklahoma City to Los Angeles then a seperate ticket from Los Angeles to Sydney. I'm not checking any luggage, so not waiting for luggage will make the whole process easier no matter which route I take. I guess I'll stop making myself crazy today by not looking at tickets anymore since I can't do anything about it anyways until after the weekend.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 3

Well, today was a good day. I didn't go for a walk again because it was pouring down rain when I went to bed. I know that doesn't mean it will be raining when I get ready to go, but there is only 40 minutes from the time I get up for a walk and the time I get up for work with no walk. That is not enough time to fall back asleep and make it worthwhile. So, I decided not to go.

Breakfast was good. I had cereal and milk. For lunch I had the other half of the burrito from last night and a salad and an apple. For dinner I had some cheese and chopped veggies. Oh yeah, at lunch I did end up having 2 small handful of peanuts. I did also pull out a granola bar, but I put it back up.

I was so proud of myself for how I handled dinner tonight. Tonight was my only night class. My class is from 5:30 to 8, so my dinner time falls in the middle of that class. Well, tonight I cut up some cheese and some tomato and some red bell pepper and took that to class with me. The last 2 semesters I was NOT that organized, so I was really proud of myself! :)

I am going to get up and walk in the morning; I already changed my alarm, so here's to another good day tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 2

I normally get up at 5:20 am Monday through Friday and take a walk, even on my mornings off. Well, I decided I wasn't going to do that on Wednesday's anymore. Wednesday is now my regular morning off because of school. It was so nice to sleep in today! I didn't get up, go for a walk, then go back to bed like I used to do. I just slept until I woke up. Pure bliss.

For breakfast today I had a cherry vanilla smoothie which was even a bit tart for me, and I like the tartness of plain yogurt. It was good though. For lunch I had some butter chicken and an apple. I went out to eat for dinner at On The Border. I know I shouldn't have had my fruit if I was eating out, but hey, I love my fruit and I didn't want to not have it. I didn't have any of my crackers though. For dinner I ended up having half a burrito. I also had some chips and some guacomole. I probably finished drinking the rest of my water at dinner also.

I ate lunch at work this afternoon and I really wanted to have some of the peanuts and granola bars we have up there, but I didn't! I wouldn't have stopped at just one granola bar and I wouldn't have stopped at just one handful of peanuts. So, I decided that just not even going there at all was the best idea. Goodnight all!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 1

As I'm writing this I haven't thought of a title for this post yet. I almost put day one, but do you know how many days there are in 16 weeks?? More than I want to think about right now! It just seems like such a long time till December 19. I should just start with day one and stop complaining.

Let me tell y'all a little about what I'm doing. I always was a heavy person and when I lived in Australia my weight eventually ballooned to 200 pounds! I'm only 5'1" so that was massive on me. I tried different programs and doing it on my own, but nothing ever worked. I had heard about this program called SureSlim before and I didn't really think it would work, so I never bothered to check it out. Eventually though I was tired of being fat and decided I had nothing to lose in seeing what it was about. It was the best decision I made. The SureSlim program gave me a program that was customized to my individual needs. I managed to lose almost 50 pounds in the first 5 months. Life happened and eating healthy was the furtherest thing from my mind and I gained about 30 of the pounds back over the space of a year. Back in February I decided to get back on it, after having managed to lose 10 of the 30 on my own. So far I have lost another 27.4 pounds. I am anxious to get finished losing the last 20 pounds! So, here's how my day went.

Today was a really good day. I got up at 5:20 (yes, in the morning) and dragged my dog out of bed to go for a walk. We walked 1.5 miles. For breakfast I just had cereal and milk and some cherries. The cherries were especially good because I hadn't had any in such a long time. I'd forgotten how good they were. For lunch I had some meatloaf and a salad and for dinner I had some butter chicken with cauliflower and onions and an apple. I drank at least 64 ounces of water. I have a large McDonald's cup and so I just fill that up all day with water. I might have drunk more than that, but as long as I get in 4 a day, I'm good. I'm a coffee addict so I have to have the extra water to make up for all the coffee I drink. Well, I am off to finish up my night and get into bed. I'm exhausted from the last few days of staying up late and getting up early. Goodnight everyone.

Starting out

Today I start my personal 16 week weight loss challenge. In 16 weeks I will be flying to Australia for a 3 week vacation. At the end of those 16 weeks my goal is to have lost 20.4 pounds/9.2 kilos.
It has been over 2 years since I have seen all my friends who live there and I want them to see me at my best. Not only that, I want to BE at my best. These upcoming weeks will be hectic with school, research papers, and work but they will be great, I know it! Each day I will come here to post how my day went. Nothing like being accountable to everyone who reads this. :D

Start weight: 138.6 pounds/62.8 kilos
Goal weight: 118 pounds/53.5 kilos

Starting measurements:
Chest: 36.5 inches
Waist: 32 inches
Hips:41 inches

Get ready, get set, and GO!